Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Project Green

Thanks to fellow blogger Anna, I have another Project to keep me occupied! (Click here to view Anna's blog and gorgeous pictures, or to see other participants of Project Green.)

The upper picture is a very rare shot at Disneyland-- NO PEOPLE! I couldn't believe that I got to take a shot like that with no one around. Awesome. The lower picture is of Tori and Drew trudging up a hill to take another turn at sledding. I didn't think I would find any green in my Mt. Shasta winter pictures, but I did!! (Click on either image to enlarge)


Carletta said...

Lime green sleds - terrific!

Anna said...

Love the header and the green pics!

The Apron Queen said...

Enjoyed your Project Green. Come check out my green sand pails. I’m still trying to get the sand outta my shorts! :D


Leigh Anne said...

Thanks for the kind words, everyone! Enjoyed your pictures as well.

Lifelong Learner said...

I especially love the sleds, and the snow falling....awesome!